Register to vote

Register to vote

Check if you are registered to vote

To check if you are registered to vote:

When contacting us you will need to provide your:

  • name
  • address

Register to vote

Registering online takes around 5 minutes and you will need your National insurance number.  If you are a British citizen living abroad, you will need your passport.

Register to vote on 

If you cannot register online

Please call us on 0191 278 7878 and ask for Electoral Services, we will add you to the register provisionally, and send you a registration form by post.

If your details change

Change of address

If you move or change your address, you must re-register to vote. 

Re-register to vote on

Please include your previous address as part of the registration.

If you cannot re-register online, please:

  • call 0191 278 7878 and ask for Electoral Services

We will add you to the register provisionally, and send you a registration form by post.

Change of name, nationality or register preference

If you need to change your name, nationality or preference for being on the full or open registers:

We will let then you know what you need to do.