We are carrying out a programme of stock condition surveys of all Newcastle City Council homes.
As a landlord, Newcastle City Council has a legal duty to ensure that homes are safe and meet the Government’s Decent Homes Standard, which sets the minimum standard for social homes.
For a property to meet the Decent Homes Standard, it should be warm, weatherproof, in a reasonable state of repair and have reasonably modern facilities.
To be sure all properties meet this standard, we are completing stock condition surveys of all homes to understand their current condition and ensure we have up to date information in our records. Stock condition surveys will also help us to plan and prioritise repairs and improvements to properties.
We estimate it will take up to four years to survey all Newcastle City Council properties.
Who will carry out the surveys?
An independent company called Rapleys will be carrying out the surveys on our behalf. Rapleys surveyors will carry ID and will be wearing a Rapleys hi-vis vest when they visit your home.
When will my survey happen?
We will write to you before the survey is due to happen in your area, and you’ll also receive a letter from Rapleys with information on how to book an appointment at a convenient time. The letter will also advise when Rapleys will be working in the area and will be carrying out house calls. You can choose to make an appointment or wait for Rapleys to call.
What will happen during a survey?
- The surveyor will inspect the exterior and interior of properties and will record the condition of the property on a handheld device.
- Access will be needed to all rooms, including the loft, boiler and external areas.The surveyor will need to take some photos of the heating system but they won’t take photos of any people, and they will do their best not photograph personal items.
- Furniture will not need to be moved.
- The surveyor will survey the property only and will not be surveying residents or anyone in the property.
- Each survey will take approximately 30 minutes depending on the size of your property.
It is important to note that the visit relates to the property itself and not the conduct of your tenancy.
For more information
If you have any questions or would like more information, please call 0191 278 8574 or email Stockconditionsurvey@newcastle.gov.uk and we’ll be happy to help.