The garden waste service is a paid service we offer to collect your brown garden waste bin. If you join at the beginning of the scheme, our service provides 20 brown bin collections. The collections run from spring to late autumn. Signing up later will result in fewer collections.
Once you pay, we will send you a sticker to put under the handles at the back of your brown bin. This may take up to 4 weeks. Our crew have a list of residents who have paid for the service and will empty bins with the correct stickers.
The service costs £45 per year, which you pay upfront, before the collections start.
By paying for this service, you agree to our terms and conditions. When you join our garden waste scheme, you sign up for collections at a specific property. If you move house or leave the area, there are no refunds.
How we recycle your garden waste
We take your garden waste to our composting facility at Sandhills. Here, it is recycled into high quality soil conditioner. You can purchase this soil conditioner for use in your own garden.