Cameras to tackle dangerous parking outside seven schools

Drivers who stop on areas with 'School Keep Clear' or zig zag lines will face tougher enforcement.
A black asphalt road with yellow paint marking out the words "School Keep Clear"

Action is being taken to tackle dangerous parking outside school gates in Newcastle to help pupils get to school safely.

From April 2024 people who flout the existing School Keep Clear restrictions, indicated by zig zag lines on the road, outside of seven schools will face tougher enforcement.

The seven locations were identified due to regular concerns being raised by schools, parents, residents and local councillors about repeated dangerous parking.

Newcastle City Council is installing fixed cameras in the hope of deterring people from stopping on the School Keep Clear restrictions.

This follows the introduction of a number of successful School Streets schemes, which are also designed to make the roads outside of schools safer for children walking, scooting or cycling to school.

However, while School Streets involves introducing new traffic restrictions, the fixed cameras currently being installed will only be used to enforce existing School Keep Clear restrictions.

Cllr Marion Williams, Cabinet member for a Connected, Clean City at Newcastle City Council, said: “Road safety outside schools is of paramount importance and we know this is an issue that many people are concerned about.

“Keep Clear restrictions are there to keep school gates clear of parked cars and pollution but we are regularly made aware of instances where these restrictions are ignored, particularly when our patrols are operating elsewhere.

“To address this, we will be stepping up our enforcement of these existing restrictions using fixed cameras in locations where there are persistent parking issues and where there is a need for ongoing enforcement.”

The schools where the cameras will operate are Archbishop Runcie C of E First School, in Gosforth; Our Lady and St Anne’s Catholic Primary School, in Elswick; Benfield School, in Walkergate; Knop Law Primary School, in Chapel House; Westerhope Primary School, in Westerhope; Westgate Hill Primary School, in Arthur’s Hill; and Jesmond Park Academy, in High Heaton.

The cameras will only be used to monitor and enforce the School Keep Clear restrictions during times on a morning and afternoon when children are arriving at school or leaving to go home.

Penalty Charge Notices may be issued by post when people fail to comply with the restrictions.

Letters to notify schools, parents and neighbouring residents will be sent out prior to enforcement starting.