Adult Social Care Complaints and Compliments

Adult Social Care Complaints

We deal with most complaints under the statutory social care complaints procedure. The law tells us how we must deal with these complaints.

If you are not happy with the service that you receive from Adult Social Care at Newcastle City Council, or if you feel that something has gone wrong, the council needs to know. 

You can speak to a member of staff if you are unhappy about the service you have received. This could be your social worker or the person who you spoke to in Adult Social Care. You can ask to speak to their manager if this does not help. Or you can contact Adult Social CarePoint at Newcastle City Council.

They will try to sort out the problem straightaway if they can, without you needing to do anything else. If this is not possible, they will begin a complaints process.

Contact Us

Send us your Complaint Online

Write to us at: Customer Relations Team, Newcastle City Council, Floor 4, Civic Centre, Barras Bridge, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 8QH

Telephone: 0191 277 7427 



Help to make a complaint

If you are not comfortable making the complaint yourself, you can ask a friend or relative to contact Adult Social Care for you. You can ask an independent person or organisation for advice.

Read more about how to get help to make a complaint