When making a business rates payment you must quote your full business rates reference number. It begins with 69 or 70 and is on the top of your bill.
Understanding your business rates bill
Business rates is paid monthly, by instalments due on 1st of the month. To help businesses with cash flow, it is also possible to pay on 16th of the month, but only by Direct Debit.
You will usually pay business rates over 10 instalments, but you can apply to pay over 12 months.
Business rates is due each financial year, covering the period from 1st April to 31st March inclusive. You will receive your business rates bill for the year ahead by the middle of March.
We offer several different payment methods to suit your needs:
- Direct Debit is the simplest, safest, most secure and reliable way to pay your business rates. You need never worry about missing a payment again. Payment is automatically taken from your account when your bill is due.
- Pay online.
- Automated telephone payments.
- Internet banking.
- Standing order.