We know some businesses may be struggling to pay bills and we want to make sure that you receive all the help you can.
This includes making sure you are not paying more business rates than you need to. We offer a range of reliefs and exemptions which may reduce the amount you have to pay.
We need the money from business rates to fund essential services across the city. So, it is important that you pay the money due on your business rates bill when you receive this.
Businesses need to make provision within their finances for paying business rates. Should you fall behind with payments, we’ll act quickly to recover the money you owe.
If you don’t pay, then as business rates is a 'priority debt', there can be serious consequences for non payment. This includes:
- being taken to court
- being charged more in court costs
- Enforcement Agents taking possession of your goods
- Bankruptcy
If you are struggling or overwhelmed with ongoing financial difficulty, do not worry. There are many organisations that can provide free debt advice.
For independent debt advice you can contact:
- Money Matters on 0800 1707 008
- Citizens Advice Newcastle on 0191 229 2750
Check your bill
Make sure you are paying the right amount. If you are receiving a relief or exemption, check that this shows on your business rates bill. More information is available below:
Check if you are eligible for business rates reliefs and exemptions
If you think that you have paid more than the amount shown on your bill, please provide the payment details. It is helpful to provide copies of any receipts or bank statements to verify the payments made.
If you still think your bill is wrong, you should email our business rates team.
It is important that you provide as much detail as possible to explain your concerns.
Do not withhold payment if you dispute your business rates, this includes:
- disputes in liability
- applying for a reduction or relief
- appeals with VOA against the rateable value
You must still pay the amount due as detailed on your bill whilst we look into the matter. This will prevent you receiving further recovery notices or having court costs added.