If you pay business rates to us then our Revenues and Benefits Service will hold information on your account. We use the information for administering and collecting what you owe.
We may pass your information to other Newcastle City Council departments where appropriate. This is to enable the council to effectively carry out services required by law.
The council must protect the public money it handles. For this purpose we may pass your information to other parties. They may use the information to detect and prevent crime and fraud.
Other parties may include:
- external agencies (such as the Police, HM Revenue and Customs and HM Inland Revenue).
- Government departments (Department for Work and Pensions and Child Support Agency).
- private sector companies (debt collection agencies, system contingency bureau and data matching services).
- other organisations responsible for auditing or administering public money (the Audit Commission).
For more information on how Revenues and Benefits handle your data:
Equalities and diversity
Newcastle City Council is committed to equalities and diversity. Documents are available in different formats upon request.
You can get all the information on audio version, in large print, in Braille or in another language. To request this, please phone 0191 278 7878.