The 2011 Localism Act introduced a duty on Local Authorities to prepare and publish a Tenancy Strategy. The purpose of this Strategy is to set out what Registered Providers (formerly known as Housing Associations) who own stock in the City need to have regard to when formulating their Policies on Tenancies and in any subsequent reviews and revisions.
The aim of this updated Tenancy Strategy is to:
a. Convey to partnering registered social housing providers (RSHP) Newcastle City Council’s view on the use and issue of flexible fixed term tenancies for social housing that RSHPs own and manage within the boundaries of the city,
b. Instruct the city council’s arms-length management organisation, Your Homes Newcastle, in the use and circumstances of the various tenancies to be used for the social and affordable rented housing managed by YHN on behalf of the City Council; and
c. ensure a consistent approach to the types of social housing tenancies issued in the City across all social housing providers, that affordable housing is genuinely affordable, and to ensure the best use of housing stock to cater for general needs and specialist housing requirements.