Working Together plan


What people tell us about their care and support and what they would like to see is crucial to being able to deliver our ambitions. Adult Social Care and Prevention want to get better at working with people who live in Newcastle and use our services. Together, we have planned how we will use more participation when we make and deliver services and strategies. 

This plan for working together will help when we are:

  1. Working with individuals: When we work on a 1-to-1 basis with people on the care they access. For example, co-producing care plans.
  2. Working to design services: Looking at the service level and how people are involved in delivering or designing services. For example, in recruitment, with groups of people in residential settings, and within specific teams.
  3. Working to design strategy: Involving people who access services in making plans at a directorate level and monitoring and reviewing those plans. For example, working on the Local Account and Directorate Plan

Read the Working Together Plan:



We want to support research with people who use or work in Adult Social Care, to help improve our support.

If you would like to carry out research you must submit a research plan and have it approved by Newcastle City Council.  This is so we can check that research involving people who use our care and support services in Newcastle (including carers and staff) respects their rights. this is called our 'research governance framework'.  

The Research Governance Framework ensures that:

  • people using our services, carers and staff are protected
  • standards are maintained by researchers
  • we can ensure public confidence
  • we can record and monitor studies that are being undertaken
  • we can be involved in decisions about how the research is carried out

You can submit your research project plan for approval online