Services we arrange and monitor
The Commissioning and Procurement Team at Newcastle City Council work to commission services for Adult Social care and Prevention. They make sure the money spent by the Council has a positive impact on our city and the people who live in Newcastle.
This is known as Social Value. This means the money invested on services in our city, helps to improve the wellbeing of people in Newcastle. This investment in the local economy and businesses helps to improve living and working conditions, such as employment opportunities and address climate change.
You can view the categories of services that are commissioned in Adult social Care in the Commissioning and Procurement Structure document
All commissioning and procurement must meet the legal and constitutional regulations. This includes:
Register on the Open e-procurement portal to view new contract opportunities with Newcastle City Council and other local councils.
You can find more information about Doing business with Newcastle City Council here
Market position statements
We commission services in market areas called categories. These categories are a way of bundling together similar or related contract opportunities in a way that we, providers, partners and local people can understand.
Read more about our Adult Social Care contract opportunities.
Market sustainability and fair cost of care fund
National Government wants to make sure that the fees care providers receive are fair and that the levels of care on offer in each council area is sustainable.
The market sustainability and fair cost of care fund supports councils to work towards this aim.
To continue to receive money from the fund we must provide certain information to the Department of Health and Social Care. We must also publish it on our website.
This information is available in our:
Contact our commissioning team to ask for a copy of these documents in another format.