All Age Carers' Strategy
This strategy is for all unpaid carers of all ages who live in or care for someone who lives in Newcastle upon Tyne. It sets out what we will do to improve the health and wellbeing of carers
We are committed to helping carers live as independently as possible. Our vision is to create a true partnership with carers so they can achieve healthy, fulfilled lives with support that recognises the breadth and impact of their caring role. In partnership with North East and North Cumbria Integrated Care Board (part of the National Health service) and other key stake holders we have created a shared vision for our city that recognises and supports carers.
To deliver this strategy we will work with carers, key partners, organisations and businesses to shape and design an inclusive citywide offer that makes a difference to carers of all ages and the people they care for. We focus on:
- What carers have told us is important to them
- Overcoming the challenges we have identified in this strategy.
- Knowing how we have made a difference.
Read the All Age Carers' Strategy 2024 to 2027.
We would like to involve you in our action plan for delivering the carers strategy for Newcastle. There will be opportunities in 2025 for carers, organisations and services to take part in face to face sessions at Newcastle Carers, online sessions and to send us your views by email.
If you would like to get involved and help drive change in Newcastle sign up to join the Carers Action Plan stakeholder group
Adult Carers Survey
The Adult Carers Survey is a national study of adult carers caring for a person aged 18 or over in Newcastle.
The survey takes place once every two years, and it asks about:
- views on social care and support services
- their experiences as carers
- their quality of life
For the Newcastle results of the survey see:
For data for all of England see:
Carers Conference Report 2023
On Thursday 23 November 2023 a carers conference including people with lived experience of care, carers organisations, local authority, voluntary and community sector was held to listen to carers and discuss a future city wide carers plan.
Key priorities identified included:
- raising the profile and awareness of unpaid carers across the city
- regular conversations and updates from and with carers
- carer involvement at all levels in all service provision
Read the Carers Conference 2023 report
If you would like to request any of our Adult Social Care Reports that are not available to download, please contact our Informatics and Insights Team.