If you have a sensory loss or disability you are entitled by law to accessible information about your health care and support from the Council and the NHS. For example, you could be given information in large print or a professional British Sign Language interpreter at your medical appointments.
What we will do
When you contact the Council we will:
- find out your information needs
- record them in a set way
- highlight them in your records so that staff meet your needs every time you use services
- share your information needs with other services. For example, if you give details to your GP then these can be shared with any hospital service you may be referred to
- make sure you get support the way you need it, including when your needs vary. For example, you may need to receive short letters in large print but need longer documents in audio format
- ask on a regular basis if your needs have changed
You can tell the council and NHS services that you a right to have your needs addressed and they have to do this by law.
For more information see: