If you have been refused a place at a school you have the right to appeal against the decision. You are not able to submit an appeal until you have been formally refused a place at a school, this means once you have received a letter or email telling you that you don’t have a place.
How to Apply for a School Place
An education appeal panel is a formal procedure held in accordance with the School Admission Appeals Code, and is independent of the council, the admission authority and the school. It is the opportunity for the admission authority to present why your child was not offered a place at the school of your choice, and for you to present why you feel your child needs to go to that school.
Both cases are heard by an independent panel who will reach a decision on whether your child should be admitted to that school.
If you are considering submitting an appeal it is important that you read the full guidance before you submit your appeal. It will help you focus on what your grounds of appeal are & understand your chances of having the appeal upheld. Copies of the guidance can be found here:
Some schools conduct their own appeal hearings, and the appeals clerk will be able to advise you of this. If you are Appealing for a place at St Cuthbert's Catholic High School, we ask you to contact the school in the first instance.
If your child has an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP), different arrangements apply. Please visit the special educational needs and disability tribunal for further information.