Mental Health Recovery Support Outreach Team
We help Newcastle Council tenants with mental health problems at home to live as independently as possible. It’s your recovery. You are involved in making decisions. We want to help you to become more resilient, confident, and independent. We will support you to make the changes you want to see in your life. This is a short term service. The length of time we work with you will depend on your needs.
We offer help with:
- tenancy arrangements such as, utilities and bills, moving home, personal and home safety, managing your domestic environment and relationships with your neighbours
- health and wellbeing support this includes, mental or physical health, medication, addiction, and personal relationships
- managing money support with budgeting, benefits and debt
- life skills support with motivation, hygiene confidence building and nutrition
- personal development such as, employment, volunteering, education, practical daily skills, leisure and hobbies
- community involvement including support with travel and accessing community resources
How to get help from the Recovery Support Outreach Team
Adults can be referred to the recovery support team by either:
What happens during your support
We will meet with you to find out how you are managing at home. We can have a conversation with you to understand your situation. To find out what’s working well and where we can support you to achieve your goals. We may need to speak to other professionals who are supporting you.
Together we will explore your strengths and how these can be used to address any difficulties you are experiencing.
You can bring a trusted relative, friend or an independent advocate to these meetings.
You have a Coordinator and a Health and Social Care Officer who will meet with you regularly to help you set goals and work towards them.
The Recovery Support Team is made up of:
- Team Leader oversees the delivery of your recovery support service
- Coordinator carries out the assessment to identify your needs and agree your support plan with you
- Health and Social Care Officer works with you in your home or community to regain your skills, increase your confidence and independence
What to expect from us
We will:
- respect your privacy and dignity
- share information about you with other professionals on a need to know basis and with your permission.
- listen to your views
- help you remain as independent as possible
- respect your gender, sexual orientation, race, religion or culture
- ensure our staff are trained to support you
What we expect from you
You need to:
- treat our staff with respect
- tell us of any changes which may affect the support you receive
- work with us and engage with your goals of rehabilitation
- tell us if you are going out or away
- provide a safe environment in your home
Telephone: 0191 278 8202
Opening hours: 7 days a week, 9am to 5pm
Address: Recovery Support Team, Care Services, Newcastle City Council, 2nd Floor Westgate College Complex, West Road, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE4 9LU
Mental Health Rehabilitation and Crisis Flats at Scrogg Road
There are 12 dedicated rehabilitation flats and 4 crisis flats for people with mental health concerns in Newcastle. To use this service you must be referred by a Health or Social Care professional.
Crisis Flats
Crisis flats are for people having a mental health crisis and cannot manage at home. You will need to be referred by a Health or Social Care professional such as, Social Worker, Crisis Resolution Team or Care Coordinator. This is short term support. You will be supported to prepare to return home.
When going to stay in a crisis flat you should bring with you:
- clothes and toiletries
- prescribed medication
- money to buy food and essential items
- Wi-Fi is available in the flats
Costs and charges
There is no charge for the duration of your stay in a crisis flat. To use this service you must be referred by a Health or Social Care professional.
Rehabilitation Flats
Rehabilitation flats are for people who need support with their mental health crisis. Who need help to manage a tenancy and cannot manage at home.
To use this service you must be referred by a Health or Social Care professional. Your referral will be reviewed at a Panel Meeting and a decision will be made. We will contact the person who made your referral to let them know the outcome.
Support available at the Rehabilitation Flats
You will have a Coordinator and a Health and Social Care Officer who will meet with you regularly to help you set goals and work towards them. Together we will explore your strengths and how these can be used to address any difficulties you are experiencing.
We offer help with:
- tenancy arrangements such as, utilities and bills, moving home, personal and home safety, managing your domestic environment and relationships with your neighbours
- health and wellbeing support with your mental or physical health, medication, addiction, personal relationships, faith and beliefs
- managing money support with budgeting, benefits and debt
- life skills support with motivation, hygiene confidence building and nutrition
- personal development such as, employment, volunteering, education, practical daily skills, leisure and hobbies
- community involvement including support with travel and accessing community resources
The team at Scrogg Road is made up of:
- Team Leader oversees the delivery of your recovery support service
- Coordinator carries out the assessment to identify your needs and agree your support plan with you
- Health and Social Care Officer works with you in your home or community to regain your skills, increase your confidence and independence
Facilities at the Rehabilitation Flats
You will have your own flat, with a kitchen, bathroom and living area. The flats are on 3 floors and there are 2 communal areas. During your stay you can use:
- Wi-Fi in communal areas
- lounge with TV and Kitchen
- recreational room
- gardens
What to expect from us
We will:
- respect your privacy and dignity
- share information about you with other professionals on a need to know basis and with your permission.
- listen to your views
- help you remain as independent as possible
- respect your personal, cultural, social and religious needs
What we expect from you
You need to:
- provide a safe environment in your home
- tell us of any changes which may affect the support you receive
- follow the housing license agreement
- work with us and engage with your goals of rehabilitation
- tell us if you are going out or away
- treat our staff with respect
You can have visitors at the Rehabilitation flats up to 9pm at night.
Costs and charges
You need to be eligible for Housing Benefit to cover the cost of your rent. You are responsible for your utility bills and other household costs.
Telephone: 0191 278 1967 or 0191 278 1968
Opening hours: 7 days a week, 8am to 11pm
Complaints or compliments
We always welcome your feedback. It helps us to improve our services. If something has gone well, we would love to hear about it. If you're not happy with the service you receive from Adult Social Care, or you feel that something has gone wrong, we need to know. Please talk to a member of staff about any concerns you have. You can ask to speak to a manager.
Read more about how to make a complaint or compliment.