3 conversations approach to Adult Social Care

We have a strength-based approach to Adult Social Care in Newcastle. It is called 3 Conversations. 


What are 3 Conversations? 

Not everyone needs to have a formal assessment to get information, help or support. You can talk to us at Adult Social Care.  

There are 3 stages to this approach. There are different types of conversation that we can have with you depending on your situation. We usually start at Conversation 1 or 2. Not everyone needs a Conversation 3. We can often help you quickly with an informal chat. 


Conversation 1: Contact and Prevention is an initial chat with you to find out more about your situation. We want to understand what’s happened or changed for you, what’s working well for you and what you would like to achieve. Together we will explore what support is around you. We will help to find solutions that are right for you in your neighbourhood. 

Conversation 2: Short Term Crisis Intervention. If a crisis happens, we can work closely with you to regain control of your life. Together we will look at what has happened to trigger the crisis and what needs to change. Then we will explore what support is available to you to help and make a plan. We can be there to see the plan through with you. 

Conversation 3: Care Act Strengths and Needs Assessment. This is where we explore longer-term support services that you might need. As part of this conversation, we will find out if you are eligible for support from Adult Social Care.  


All of our conversations meet the legal requirements of the: 


How to have a conversation with Adult Social CarePoint 

Contact Adult Social CarePoint at Newcastle City Council for a chat and to find out more about local support. 

A family member or friend can help you to take part in the conversations, if you find it hard to understand things or explain your views and wishes. 

Advocacy is free, independent support that can help you to get your voice heard. Advocacy is for people who have difficulty in understanding or taking part in decisions about their care and support. Find out more about independent advocacy. 


What happens after you have a conversation with us?  

After your conversation, Adult Social Care will explain if you’re eligible for further support from the Council, or not.  

We will always give you information and advice to help. 

Some people will need a more in-depth conversation with us. Each person and situation is different. We will continue to talk to you about your situation and what you need.  We will explain what needs to happen next. 


What’s eligibility? 

The Care Act sets out the criteria to decide if you can receive support from Adult Social Care at Newcastle City Council. 

It’s described as having ‘eligible care needs’ or that you are ‘eligible’ for support if you meet this criteria.  

You may need to pay towards your Adult Social Care services. This can include home care, day care or residential care services.

Read more about eligibility 


If you are not eligible for support from the council 

We will work with you and offer information and advice. We can signpost you to services that can help. You can buy and arrange your own support.  

Read more about Needs Assessment on Information Now 


If you are eligible for support 

After your conversation with Adult Social Care, we will work with you to understand the best ways to meet your eligible needs. For example, formal care services may help you. Or you may benefit from other support or activities.  

If it’s agreed that we will arrange formal care services for you, we will: 

  • arrange a Financial Assessment, to find out how much you need to pay towards your care costs 
  • create your personal care and support plan with you. This will set out how your support needs will be met and what goals we hope to achieve.  
  • give you a Personal Budget that will be used to pay for your care and support . 


If your needs or situation changes

Speak to Adult Social CarePoint at Newcastle City Council. They can review your care needs or support plan if needed.