Services List

About Adult Social Care

What adult social care is, how to talk to us about your needs, and moving from children's to adult social care

Contact Adult Social Care

How to contact us, report abuse of adults, and support to get your voice heard through independent advocacy services

Carers, family and friends

You are a carer if you give unpaid care and support to someone who can’t manage without your help. You can get help and support

Rehabilitation and reablement

Reablement and rehabilitation care services, short term support, and help to recover after an illness, injury or hospital stay.

Contact this service

Opening times

Adult Social Care at Newcastle City Council, open Monday to Friday, 8am to 5pm

In an emergency:  

  • Monday to Friday, 5pm to 8.30am
  • Saturday and Sunday, 24 hours a day
  • Phone the main switchboard and ask for the Emergency Duty Team on: 0191 278 7878

To report abuse or neglect phone: 0191 278 8156